Photography: A cure for arachnophobia?

I got up bright and early to enjoy a sunny, yet faintly frosty morning walk with Cousteau.

Off then to the dentist for two 'small' fillings that cost me a lot more than a 'small' amount. The pain from the injections, etc has long since dulled, but the pain to my wallet is still fresh in my mind. Ouch.

I went to the podiatrist who has (thank goodness) discharged me after 9 months and told me to go gently but to get running on my foot. Oh yeah!

Next off to the supermarket where they had a wine sale on. Our wine rack's looking good for when you come over, Ma and Dad. :)

I saw this wee one when I was weeding my vege patch. She's watching over my gooseberry bush. The wind meant that it took a bit of patience and courage to sit near her for a good ten minutes until I got a decent shot. She's all screwed up and hairy. It made my skin crawl while I was processing the shot but it's still a huge improvement, being able to get up close and personal with a spider (about the size of my thumbnail with legs akimbo) to take shots.

Do I still count as an arachnophobic, I wonder?

Oh yes, a friend of mine and his partner have had a really terrible run of luck with their health of late and so we're taking Ronnie for the weekend. Cousteau's off enjoying his last few hours of being a solo child. Should be fun.

I'm off to take Cousteau for a short on-lead run. Try this foot of mine out! Wish me luck.

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