Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Sweetest moment

Like minded people...... Folks that do the things that you know yourself... A moment of recognition that binds all together as Human.

A smile that you share when you dance with someone on the pavement...first this way, then that.

The open laugh of someone tripping up and not being embarrassed, just that they think it's funny!

The 'tut' when people don't say thank you or please...uttered by someone else and not you!

Letting someone go first because it's the polite thing to do and getting a 'No... After you! ' in response.

And today's moment sitting down by the river before work, leaning back with the sun on my face.....smiling for the sake of it! And then cycling back to town and spying a lady doing exactly the same thing. Moments shared... in silence and ignorance of each other...kindred spirits.

A good day!

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