Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey


Look what we made Mummy!

they say excitedly, scurrying into my office where I'm editing.

Lugged my iMac to Reuben's school this morning to try to catch up. A few busy days ahead with a prom, wedding, headshots, oh and the 40 something kids at school needing capturing for the school year book.

All to the sounds of Bach, Mozart and Barber.

I loved yesterday's Blip, the one with the 3 little stars ;-)

Later, I worked on editing these of Callum as Spiderman. It's a tricky one editing studio work, don't you think?

In other news, I'm starting working with the agency's professional models next week on renewing their headshots for the young adult market. Bit of a dream huh? Gorgeous girls who know how to pose. What's of particular interest too is thinking of the end client, the casting agent whose attention has to be grabbed instantly with the images created and with marketing as my original profession, I'm enjoying how this has come together. The market positioning is the all Californian girl, dreamy ethereal light. For my last headshots, the model went on to grab her first job for TRESamme hair and we were both delighted.

(PS I'm in love with Beethoven's 9th. I feel like I'm in another world right now with classical music playing solidly during every waking moment of the last 2 weeks. For the last many years, I've simply studied photography day and night, and suddenly I'm learning about classical music and it's heavenly. That Beethoven should have written the 9th whilst deaf is nothing short of a miracle).

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