The Way of Colour

By Beachcomber149

Inverary before the rain

Rain forecast for the afternoon was correct, but we had time this morning to drive along to Inverary and have a wander about. Lots of touristy shops to have a look at (or in if you don't have Maeve the Deerhound with you). A great place to go on a rainy day in Inverary is the Inverary Jail. All restored and set up as a tourist attraction it is a fun way to pass a couple of hours.
We went back to our cottage and had a cosy, warm afternoon watching "The Maggie" on DVD. an old Ealing comedy, it is the story of a puffer passing through this part of Argyll, along the Crinan Canal and out to a fictitious island. It is fun to spot the locations .. and the latter destinations of the puffer concerned were all shot on location on Islay (which we visited last September).

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