Nana's Chicken!

. . . . getting stuffed into the mouth!

Last chance workout this morning. And as we missed the swimming last night put everything into the step class, then a walk round the river with Breagha to cool down after it. Nice in the Spring sunshine!

Met GG for coffee and persuaded her to buy herself a new tv. She will now be able to see the tennis ball when she watched one of her favourite sports. It's quite amazing to think when she bought the one she has now, a 28" Sony Bravia in 2006, it cost much, much more than the 37" SB today.

When we got home there was a message asking if we could look after Ben till Mummy finished work as his Daddywas playing at a wedding. So it was great to be able to spend time with him without parents there.

When he eats he stuffs everything in his mouth as if there is only 5 minutes to eat before the plates gets taken away!

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