the edges of my life

By raej

No non la

I like this street scene as it contains the classics (street sellers with yoke, granny, caged song birds) but no non la (conical hat) on the old lady's head - really unusual in this heat. I started my day with a close miss - trying to hail a taxi I got hit by a motor bike - just felt a huge whack on my arm then I was flying into the arms of strangers - incredibly lucky I didn't hit the pavement or break anything (well I broke some vials of drugs I'd just bought for the bears...). The poor driver was freaked as he'd hit a Tay (foreigner) but totally my fault and I managed to keep saying xin Loi, com cosi (sorry, no problem) until he relaxed. A big shake up for me and a reminder not to get too cocky ever on these streets - they are literally lethal and whilst I laugh at the terrified newbie tourists trying to cross the road maybe I should revert to a bit of that fear. It's like when a bear I've worked with for a long time suddenly has a swipe or an attempt nip and it's a reminder to never ever forget they are wild and abused. This is the second time I've had a near miss - last time was 4 years ago on a volunteer visit when I stopped a motorbike with my big toe - literally he ground to a halt on the tip of my toe - again my fault.
So maybe today is my lucky day? Hope you all avoided disaster also - or preferably didn't come close :)

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