youngies journey

By youngie66

Miserable Day

Well another day off and totally miserable outside again its so depressing but it was a day out at the cinema and a meal afterwords which provided the highlight of the day as when we were waiting between courses I was checking something on my phone it is a Samsung Galaxy S2 which has a nice size screen when the waitress was passing by and stopped beside me and said wow thats huge to which I replied thanks very much :-) the poor girl burst out laughing along with a few smirks and sniggers from fellow diners when they realised the innuendo as I am well known at work for my quick remarks and witty innuendo's as Sandra just sat shaking her head with a smile oh well no harm intended so my blip is a shot of our back garden looking a bit miserable washing lines sagging as the neighbours pole has corroded and now leaning on our fence so two new posts ordered

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