All These Things...

By Joestockdale

There Is No Spoon

"Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth. What truth? There is no spoon. There is no spoon?
Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself." -
The Matrix.

Another late upload, time keeping is an issue for me sometimes, maybe I should wear a watch. I was browsing for inspiration for some creative studio projects to keep me entertained, one that has always interested me was Levitation. I wanted to give it a go, but give it some kind of edge. I was making myself a cup of tea when I found this dirty old spoon at the bottom of the draw, instantly the line from the Matrix popped into my head. So after looking at a couple of photos of it been done I put up the lights and got this shot in my bedroom.

Creating this Levitation effect is incredibly easy, all you need is something to perch the subject on that can be removed from the frame once you've got a shot of it 'levitating' with the support underneath. Then once you're happy with the shot of the subject you want to levitate simply remove the subject and support from the frame. Take a shot from the exact same position and check to make sure nothing in the background that will effect the subject has moved and stayed constant.

Once you're happy with the results, upload it and bring it into Photoshop or any similar software that has layer and mask capabilities. Mask off the support for your subject and you should be left with a levitating object/being. The final photo should look relativity similar to this. Next time I do something like this I think I'll really exaggerate the use of the effect.

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