
By katzmeow


Today I had guitar lessons. This week, I didn't forget my book. :)

Then we went to Tractor Supply and got duck food and food for the deer. (they used to get cracked corn, BUT we have found they love horse sweet feed better, so we mix it and usually feed them over the winter.)

We came home and relaxed a bit, then we made a campfire in our woods. We made it because this weekend was Family Camp. They couldn't do it this year because of the prices. :(

Dad cooked on the fire too. We made steak, mashed potatoes, peas, and cherry cobbler. We also made s'mores. Yum!

Kyle and Dad slept in our cabin, me and mom slept in the house. lol

We were going to use walky talkies but they were dead and they didn't charge very good. So we just used phones to talk.

When I was watching TV, Bullz-eye came up and sat by the couch. So I picked him up and put him next to me. He stayed for about 30 minutes, then jumped off. :)

Thanks to mom for taking the pic!!

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