
By avilover

Mouth of the Bay

Made my way out to the coast today for a much needed break away from farm life. The work is very satisfying, but the hours are long and the place isolated, and it feels amazing to have a little vacation. The moment I could, I made for the ocean. One of my favorite spots in all of Humboldt County is the mouth of Humboldt Bay, which has been locked into place for commerce purposes by two large jetties reinforced with immense concrete pylons. The north jetty is generally more accessible, though both sides yield terrific seabird watching. It was a quick stop tonight, to watch the sun set over the Pacific. In the background is one of the largest ships I've ever seen pass through the mouth; I'm not sure what kind it is. I couldn't help but be attracted to the juxtaposition of it and this Western Gull.

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