The Other Side

I am beyond impressed!  Congratulations to all the good folks at Blip Central (and so nice to see your faces, at last!) for a job truly and seamlessly done! The new site is undeniably more modern, easier to read, yet still uncluttered. 

It is still pouring with rain here. We're told that we've now received the most rain ever in December since records have been kept. Some reservoirs are  full, others are filling up. We're still being told to conserve, since we have three years of drought to make up for, but even the weather people are refraining from using that "D word" while people are still mopping up and bailing out. 

OilMan and I seem to have reached that part of the year where all life as we know it takes a pause, and we move into a sort of frantic suspended animation until January. Sort of like when Blipfoto goes offline for a day , and then comes back better than ever….

And last, but not least, Happy Birthday, Will! You make us proud.

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