Morning Dandelion

Yesterday I learned about a very interesting thing that is happening today. It's called People all over the world will be taking pictures of a day in their lives. They will upload 10 that represent today in their lives. There are three main categories: home, work and connections. I decided to join and participate. Thanks to NannaK for the heads up about

This morning I woke up at the unheard of time of 6:30 am. (I am not a morning person.) I got up and dressed and went down to Scudder Pond and Whatcom Falls Park to see what I could see. I will post photos on my blog later, probably not until tomorrow, of the best of the many pictures I'm taking today.

One thing I noticed about early morning at the pond was dew. It was everywhere and there was a sparkle all around. It was magical. And there were dandelions doing just what I'd been wanting to catch, being covered with tiny dewdrops. I took many photos of them, along with the photos of wood ducks and other birds in and near the pond. This was one of my favorite dandelion photos. It looks best large.

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