Urban rabbit on high alert

After finishing work this afternoon (the EPI locum), I scored an early Christmas present. NZ Couriers had contacted me to say that they couldn't deliver a package to the apartment. I arranged to have it redirected to me at the rooms on Friday; didn't come. Today I was told by the office lady that the courier had been unable to gain access. Odd that. Hundreds of patients have managed. So I said I'd pick it up.

The union had sent me a framed copy of the original ink drawing by Slane, which had appeared on the cover of the ASMS magazine. I'm really chuffed by getting it.

I then went to visit a younger colleague and talk over my plans and her plans and the future use of the rooms and other things, including that it is almost the end of yet another year. 

She owns and stays in an interesting house on the border of Herne Bay and Grey Lynn. Some years ago when Jesafly was just starting out as an architect, my colleague contracted her to design and oversee a renovation (especially the kitchen). It was a really good design (not just being a proud father here), which still works brilliantly. 

The house is built on land once owned by the Catholic church, which also owned a large tract of fields between the houses and a creek. This is still fields, on which graze a few cattle and also one or two ponies (currently). A week or so ago, when I said to my colleague that I hoped that the Catholic church would not sell the fields to a developer, I was told that the fields are now owned by the Auckland Council which is maintaining them as an inner city "farmlet". 

This Urban Rabbit was on the field adjacent to where I was visiting. It was sitting under a fence not sure whether or not to risk another foray closer to where I was. I had observed (with camera hand too slow to record it) said Urban Rabbit approaching a pony from the rear to steal some of the goodies which had been thrown into the field for the pony. 

Back home now and preparing a simple meal for S (still not well) and J (onset of OOS). Time out to post this.

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