God Jul!

Yesterday we arrived at ClairesEyes' house, on the coast a short way from Umeå.  When we woke up the next morning it was snowing really hard and it was hard to believe the forecast of sun and blue sky later in the day.
However, the snowfall started to lessen, breaks appeared in the cloud and suddenly it was as sunny as it could be in late December this far north.  It was also the coldest its been so far this winter, minus 14°C and windy, so we were very well wrapped up, as you can see here! Behind us is the Baltic and the winter trying to freeze the sea but the wind is whipping up waves and breaking up a lot of the ice. In the evening the wind drops and the ice starts to win.
The sun had appeared from the cloud but it soon disappeared again, this time behind the forest and sinking under the horizon. For two more pictures of the day check out JanHar and ClairesEyes photographs.
I'd wish my audience a "Happy Christmas Eve" but in reality this is a backblip, posted on Christmas Day. Today's blip will follow shortly.

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