A Ramblers Tale

By ramblerstale

Minty Fresh?

A few moments in China this week..
I was walking back from the gym and had failed to notice that I was going the wrong direction, so I kept walking along and about twenty minutes into this walk I realize I don't know exactly where I am. Shrugging it off as to paranoia I keep walking. Twenty minutes later I realize I'm actually lost. So regaining my bearings I walk back the way I came and about halfway home, I having my headphones in hear a honk and about two seconds later feel something collide with my body. At first I think, oh shit I just got hit by a car, but seeing as I was still standing I turn and face my attacker. A man starts cursing me out in Manderin telling me I should pay more attention and such and I mumble an I'm fine and keep walking. I was hit by a scooter he was more worried about his little plastic holder that managed to give me a nasty scratch than the person he's about mowed over with his scooter. I was grouchy needless to say.

Another china moment, I went to the store today and bought toothpaste. It looks minty fresh to the casual observer, namely one who cannot reach chinese. Thinking nothing of it when I got home slightly early this morning ( I also found out some interesting things about my boss this evening) I put some on my toothbrush pop it into my mouth and begin brushing my teeth. After two seconds my tongue starts freaking out. It's like "What is this toothpaste?" It's not minty fresh, its green tea flavored. SO I get to brush my teeth with green tea flavored toothpaste for the rest of the month... joy. Maybe I'll brush my teeth more just to get rid of it....

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