Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Boxing Day Bokeh

Highlight of the day....... having a lazy day

Events that occurred: watched Disney's Pinocchio (first time since seeing it at a Canon Cinema in Nottingham in the 70's), played with our gadgets, Tuttle Jnr assembled his new desk/chair combo (with a little Daddy supervision), Bacon butties for lunch, played with our gadgets, searched for a decent tablet, which lead to searching for a decent laptop, Mrs Tuttle looked for some shoes on Schuh, had a Buffet tea with the In-Laws (I had reheated Christmas dinner leftovers), Doreen dried the dishes two days on the trot now (she is more welcome to ours than ever!) and then it snowed! Played with our gadgets again......
.....this time with my new 500mm (mirror) lens.

Reserved a new Laptop.......picking up tomorrow morning.
And Mrs Tuttle bought her shoes on Schuh

Oh the joys of Christmas time.

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