All the wrong settings .....

  ....... but I was in the back garden and saw these geese in the gorgeous morning sky and just clicked.

This is a cross between a skein of geese and a wedge of geese - I know that when flying a group of geese is called a skein but when in a V formation they are called a wedge of geese - these are flying and in untidy Vs ...... would this make them a '' skedge '' or a '' wedein '' - hmmmm??  :-))
Anyway the sky was lovely and this came straight out of the camera in all its 16MB glory and uploaded in seconds - well done, Blip-Central, the upload speeds have vastly improved.

Mum is no better today so it was a 111 call again and up to the hospital for an out-of-hours doctor appointment - seems they cannot give her the same injection as yesterday as she is over 70 and they say the benefits are outweighed by the dangers - tell that to her when she is in so much pain.
Irrespective of that - all the 111 call centre and medical staff were marvellous and the hospital staff (including both doctors we saw) were brilliant even though we didn't get what we hoped for today.
We had a one hour wait for the first doctor and then a one hour wait for the second ...... walking in from the street to A&E was a 6 hour wait for those people without pre-appointments ...... !!  
Crazy - but I guess that is the free National Health system in the UK these days - and people do go in with THE most minor of injuries.

Back home and wondering what Plan B will be ........ 

~ Anni ~

Groan of the Day

A small boy calls in at the chemist for some stomach medicine ...

'' Antibilious? '' asks the chemist

'' No '' replies the boy '' it's for my uncle ''

Think about it ...........  :-)))

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