Frosty Field

5.2C and sunny. Light breeze.

It was frosty when Maeve the Deerhound and I were out for our early walk up towards the church and the last of the colourful sunrise was just fading away.

The cars were still covered in frost when we were ready to go grocery shopping.

After the grocery shopping was put away Apothecary7 and I took Maeve for a walk. The air temperature was above zero but the ground was still frozen hard. We went round the usual route. The field with the bridle path had lots of frozen puddles. The tide was well out. We walked along the beach to the fishermen's huts. Just by the huts we stopped to have a blether with the man who lives in the end cottage at Westhaven.

DMC-LX7 f/2.5 1/125 sec. ISO-100 18mm

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