Read y'all about it.

By Leejohnaire

One more time, with Feeling

As I said a few days ago, I am not Flashead (If you want to see amazing shots with light go take a look). I do not aspire to be either, but since today was again grey and cold this experiment with light is all you get.  I had to stop iteratively perfecting this as Texann was getting cold. Even though I wanted to go one more time.........

As for yesterday it was a single bouncing ball.  I used to work for HP and at a tradeshow about 6 or 7 years ago we gave away these balls which are golf ball sized.  They are like super balls but as they hit the ground they burst into light and oscillate between multiple colours.  Texann and I just found a dark hallway and bounced the ball to each other in front of the camera.  It became quite a game with the ball occasionally bouncing off around the house with a mind of it's own. I was amazed it still worked after all this time.  Some of you spotted the HP logo which is on the ball.  Most of you probably could not care less :-)

I leave you with a song

Hopefully tomorrow Houston will finally get some real light back.

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