
Orthodera novaezealandiae.

Sunshine brought out some of the insects. I found this mantis almost prone, warming herself on a Viburnum leaf. I slipped the camera under some twigs and got this shot from inside the bush. Her curiosity was aroused immediately.

I have observed that in rest, or waiting for prey to come along, the antennae are turned flat along the back, but they quickly flick forward if that's where the interest lies. I was astonished to find that I caught her mid-flick. One is curving forward, but the other is still mostly over her back. Close to her head it vanishes in the movement of the flick.

Also visible are her complicated mouthparts. There are pale green pincers and a pair of red and green striped leg-like structures.

I am very happy with my new glasses. They have allowed me to focus more closely than I could before. Not only that, but I can now see the stars as single points instead of two. I'm looking forward to seeing the next crescent moon, hoping there will be just one of it.

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