Snowing all day

Snowing all day, -2c and cloudy. In the morning some birds came to see if there was something to eat at our backyard... The blip is not too good as I captured the situation through the window. Sorry about the reflections in bottom.... ;(

I cleaned our yard in the morning out of the snow with the shovel and our son did the second turn in the evening. Less than 13cm altogheter today. Very nice weather to drive for light shopping and to have a nice walk.

Well, yes. I am just exhausted after some 4 km walk&running - first time after xmas. I do not dear to go weight me on scale, but I remind me of a whale... And so I really think I should eat less chocolate now and concentrate to salad in the near future - and continue excersising after this lousy last year.

My poor knee injured in december 2013 on slippery road has healed as slowly as the orthopedist said it would do. It feels amazing that it is already (?) quite ok to walk, even run - but only short periods. Only a bit numb after excercise. Anyway no more slippery tests to me - so I used today my winter running shoes with steel studs in the bottoms. Very nice and firm touch to the snowy/icy ground... I really can recommend icebug-style shoes, if you have icy ways to walk or run.


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