Not giving up

Back in Auckland last evening and this morning I was unkeen on a run in the drizzle. So at the end of the day at the office, I went out for a run, and chose to again look for the posts of the wee mannikin.

I saw where the one my older daughter said I should get for her, had been (I think). Along both sides of Ponsonby Road, and a little way down the side roads, a battle seems to have been joined.

There is evidence of removal of many more than I can see still intact. One or two are still enough there to read and enjoy, but many are just traces, and some all one can see is an outline which looks like it was one. I doubt that the removal is being done officially (i.e. by Council staff), as other probably unauthorised posters are being left in the same places as these are posted.

Of the ones I saw this evening, I chose this one because as well as showing where they are being put, and their size, it is showing determination to keep doing it, as this one has been put on top of the remnants of one which was removed.

I also quite like the sentiment.

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