
By tookie

Majestic Heron

A glorious day so after a long rewarding morning swim we did  a few things and then after a bit to eat, headed out with the hooligans to see if there were some good Heron shots.  There were many low sitting herons all around their potential nesting area.  I was thrilled and enjoyed shooting many shots.  After that our friends met us and we began another lap with all the dogs.  ....but that's when another black cloud settled in over me.....I have been rehabbing two knee replacements for a few years and doing very well now....
    But...a ball was thrown from behind us on the trail unbeknownst to me and I got totally blindsighted and hit full force by a speeding Sadie and she knocked into me from the back and left side.  I was air born knowing my knee was dislocating and could only scream and maybe cuss--not sure and landed on both knees hard.  I never saw it coming...Result of it was Big R called the medics who came and gurneyed me out of the park and sped off to urgent care.  I was covered in mud and bark (woof) that dropped all over the room I was in and it was on the sheet and in my clothes--undies and all...gross.  Damages seem to be assessed as no broken bones, knee device still in alignment....bad sprain and possible minor nerve damage and muscle and ligament damages.  Rehab again.

I was NOT a happy camper because I suffered a major set back to my getting back into shape..  Not probably able to swim strokes now for awhile and back to water walking therapy most likely.  I can bear wt. on it and am icing, elevating and "resting"---unable to sleep ha ha.  C'est la vie as they say.  Sadie is in the "dog" house...Cowboy merely hid in the bushes after the event as it scared hm.  So I'll post as I can and be thankful for yet another opportunity to rehab...seems like it's a full time part of my life anyhow ha ha.  My sweet and thoughtful D I L has some food ordered from whole foods to arrive soon...good healthy foods that I will need to have around so as not to fall into a bad eating for comfort routine here.  HAPPY NEW YEAR'S !   Carry on:)
Monday's blip here

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