Capital adventures

By marchmont

End of year

Another day of not doing very much, although it started with sending emails about the traffic diversion to a Councillor and senior Council Officers. The Councillor had sent me a reply tweet last night, the power of social media.

#3 son went back to the doctor and was given a squillion of drugs as he has a chest infection, still. I cleared up the kitchen and did some filing. I've started a list of info my family need to have if something happens to me. Very important.

Then this afternoon DH from CEC phoned to apologise for the lack of clear v and info and the bad way they'd handled the diversion news. Turns out the original plan was Kirk Gate but then at the end of November LB requested our street be used but nobody thought to give us any info. The letter waan't even correct, the wrong start date was on it. Total oncompetence. No consultation or discussion over a decision to have no on street parking 24/7 for 2 months, minimum. But there is a minor victory, the work won't start v on 7 Jan to allow time to take account of our issues. How NOT to handle public relations. I despair of CEC. Just as well Road never had to close schools, like I had to do. They'd have been lynched.

Olivia was very unsettled so when WH went out with her friend I took her for a walk, first to update L along the road, then around the park and finally to pop in to E's
Had time for tea before she woke.

She slept a bit of the evening and then watched tv. #3 son and #1 gf went to the torchlight procession. The rest of us sat and watched tv and ate and then Olivia went to bed with no screaming fit once!

It was a lovely sunset SW over the Pentlands.

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