Happy Hogmanay

Happy Hogmanay Blippers!

After a leftovers lunch Mr PB and I went for a walk down to the bird sanctuary and then back through Ferry Meadows. We had heard that there was a fox in one of the big fields and on the way back we saw him/her.  He looked a bit lame on one of his back legs, but still looked magnificent, such a gorgeous colour. 

Well Blippers it's the end of another year. For us its been a funny year. The building work has consumed most of our time, energy and finances. Although it is looking lovely and so worth it.  An ageing Airedale was another main aspect to the year. It was heartbreaking knowing that this would be her final year with us, and for that reason we decided not to leave her over the summer, thus resulting in us not having a proper summer holiday. We knew she would pine for me, and she was too old for kennels. I still miss her loads.

L went off to Uni which was a huge thing, mainly the summer sorting out accommodation.  He seems to have settled in well and enjoying it. its been lovely having him home and I get quite teary thinking about him going back - that won't last - Out of sight and all that!!

So we head into 2015 lots of lovely things planned and there will be some surprises too.

Whatever you are doing this evening enjoy it, and I wish you all a very happy and healthy 2015 xxxxx

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