Why Be Serious?

By BlackmailGnome

A dent to my vanity...

It is with great regret that after the better part of 30 years I managed to avoid wearing glasses of any kind, even though I needed them as a kid - mainly to try and train my lazy right eye into actually doing something with it's life! But being a kid, especially one that absolutely detested glasses for some obscure reason, any attempt to force me to wear them resulted in temper tantrums and accidentally on purpose misplacement of the items (strangely often on top of my head, but thinking about it nothing has changed in that regard). In the end my parents gave up trying to force me to wear them and thus my lazy eye celebrated by spending yet more time sitting on the settee and watching videos.

Now though, I've been hit with the double whammy of long and short sightedness in my strong left eye. So, vanity aside, there is little reason why a pair of glasses should not be part of my everyday fashion (if you count fashion as jeans and a t-shirt).

Yet I stare at them (when I can focus that is) like they are the spawn of two rather angry frogs daemons...

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