BBC Micro – bit of a blitzing going on today, and time this departed. Probably to a charity shop. All the rage thirty years ago, and many people's first experience of computers – at home, school, college, and for some even at work. Probably a collectors item, but I'm not a collector (we'll not mention cameras...).

Mild out, but dull with rain near enough all day. Chopped up some of the former loft flooring - into fireplace sized pieces.

Happy New Year to all out there, with best wishes for 2015. And thank you to all that have been giving stars and favourites lately - you shouldn't really, I'm such an ungrateful sod that considers too many of my Blips as lazy snaps, rather than anything carefully considered and crafted. If the new setup of Blipfoto ever allows us to disable stars (as previously), I'll be doing so promptly. And the favourites/heart thing too, if they give us such an option.

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