wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Addiction, thy name is Oreo

For those of who asked......this is an Oreo.
For years it has been my firm belief that the fall of civilization as we know it was when the ChipAhoy chocolate chip cookie was accepted as a decent chocolate chip cookie.
I try to make everything from scratch. My dad is unable to eat any salt and I think the chemicals in packaged food are mostly salt. This being said I can rock a cookie. What disappoints me is the fact that I am eating a store bought cookie..........and loving it. I received them as a gift at Christmas from a friend that truly loves me. Oh and knows me. Shelly, one of my band mates spared no expense. They are double stuffed.
The serving size is two cookies. Seriously? Two cookies? If there is a package of cookies in front of you, who stops at two? 140 calories for two. I am not going to eat for a week.

The tree is still not down. I need my husband's help as I am only 5' 3" and tend to be prone to an accident or two when I am not careful. I have three gigs next week. I have to be in top shape! Anyway I digressed. Donal feels he is coming down with something and went to bed early. I cleaned and scrubbed the kitchen. Tony and Mia were crying by my feet (they are cats for the new people here) I put "Party at the SnowHole" on the iPad and they watched it for a full 20+ minutes. I am a bad parent. I then put on the Aquarium one and they fell asleep to it. I cannot make this up.
So I sit here on my bed doing a blip. When I watched Joe's video today, I felt a big pit in my stomach. I have met so many people here and my first thought was, some may leave. So here is what I think,
Joe still has control. I think we will be ok. Slowly but surely there are changes being made. I know from experience that when a new system is created and implemented there are kinks. I have faith they will work it out. I answered a questionare a little while ago. I should have paid more attention. We were told many times there would be changes. I am not a huge change person. However, as I Admitted a young woman today with an illness that will limit her days. It occurred to me that people are special, and blip making a few changes is something I can live with and adjust to. Ok that's my thought and I'm not going to talk about it over and over.
I have come to just love this place and, have made awesome friends with some of you. Facebook has made tons of changes and I stayed there. I'll stick with this,
So here I sit with the two Oreos in front of me. Ok so I am SO lying. They have been eaten. All (six) two of them. Tomorrow is Saturday. I love Saturdays...............Oh look this cookie has come apart in the package...........can't have that.
Well I hope everyone has a great weekend. I plan on it. Take care!
G'day to down under and goodnight to the north.

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