Happy Birthday

to me!

We had all sorts of weather today, started with snow and then sun and then sleet and rain and wind and then more sun.

We set off for a walk up Arthur's seat leaving a very unhappy #2 son who had lost his phone on Ne'erday morning.

We didn't get very far as the Park was closed and by the time we parked at the Palace it was heavy rain and wind.  Plan B was to visit the Museum of Edinburgh, which was closed.

By this time the sun had returned so a walk along to St Margaret's Loch sufficed.  It was very cold, especially out of the wind and although the top of Arthur's Seat was very busy it must have been freezing, maybe too cold for a almost 4 month old Malaysian baby.  But we saw ducks and swans and maybe even geese and I was in site of my birthplace - no longer physically there but still there in memory.

Then home for coffee and Christmas cake, now as usual, translated to birthday cake.  And tonight the family made dinner. The starter was #2 son (happy agian as his phone had turned up), main course #1 son and dessert and cake #3 son.  I'd unearther the indoor fireworks so it was a spectacular finale.  Then some tv and bed.

For presents, projects (probably long term) and the surprise for Monday was revealed but that will wait to the 5th.

It was the best birthday ever, with my family.  And today Olivia saw her first snow, her first swans, her first ducks, her first sparklers and helped her granny celebrate.

Elsewhere dad is ok and blip had a birthday, the birth of a new persona. The community are still debating whether this is a good or bad thing.  
I'm just hoping I'm still a member.  We'll see. 

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