Lali's World

By Lali

Pink hair - SP

When I started here in Blipfoto just over four years ago, some people used to think I had pink hair because I was wearing a pink wig in my profile picture. To commemorate my 1500th blip anniversary I have decided to wear it again! I'm sure some of my old followers will remember! :)

It's been a day of not much happening apart from taking silly pictures of myself in a pink wig and meeting my friend C for a coffee. It was nice catching up with her as I hadn't seen her for a while. We went to a really nice French patisserie/coffee shop in the west end of Edinburgh. 

I've been here for a long time and it's been quite a journey. I've met lots of nice people through blip and it's become part of my life now. It saddens me to see so many negative feelings about the new way of doing things in here. To be honest, after being locked out for a full week, as I couldn't get into the site after the changes, my morale went down a bit and I wanted to leave. But, thanks to a blip friend I managed to get back in again. It's not the same but I'm glad I continue having your lovely comments. That keeps me going.

I hope that, in spite of everything, this keeps staying as a friendly community because this is why I haven't given up yet. 

Thanks very much to all of you for your lovely comments, stars and hearts and for your friendship over this four years. It means a lot!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend! :)

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