
Last night was the last working day of our old Panasonic TV. It was about 10 years old and there wasn't a thing wrong with it, but technology had passed it by. We never got a good analogue signal so for most of it's working live it had been connected to a Sony digital tuner anyway. It can't easily be connected to a computer or anything on my home network so it's days were numbered.

Over xmas I decided to buy a new unit. I picked the cheapest, smallest, main brand TV I could find that would do Full HD and had just enough smarts to connect to my network. In the end I decided I couldn't wait much longer or they would stop making living room TVs that were actually small enough to fit where we wanted to put it.

Today some nice John Lewis people delivered my new Samsung TV, I can now feel like the Royal Household, though I don't suppose Mrs Windsor has to faff about for nearly two hours putting the channels into a sensible order though.

It seems to connect to my home network okay and found my music and video collection, though it doesn't like the file format of the music, so I'll have to tweak the transcoding settings. The video it will play, so we can catch up on all that BBC iPlayer stuff I have downloaded but not actually watched yet! Annoying it think that I want MSN as my home page on my web browser - that will have to go...

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