Tutto bene

By Blackdrake

Three Craws...

sat upon a wa'.
I know what you're thinking...there's only two, but...as the song goes, the first craw fell an broke his jaw.
These guys were hanging out on the roof of my house earlier.  After all the rain it seems hard to believe the sky was this lovely.
I massacred the Christmas tree today - it's the only word really.  Lopped off branch by branch and then a saw taken to it.  Managed to ram the branches into the garden bin, the trunk I will saw up and burn in the fire. I filled a whole bucket with pine needles swept up from the floor..a whole bucket!!! Of course now the room seems HUGE! 
Oh and I now have a glorious grey background on Blip again! Stumbled across Himself blipper who cleverly designed an add-on for Firefox and Chrome. It really is so much easier on the eye - can't be a coincidence that I've spent much longer browsing Blip today. Stick @Himself into the search at the top right corner and browse back in his blips for the info if you too want to banish the glare.

Here's the rest of the song for those who might not know it:
Three craws sat upon a wa',
sat upon a wa',
sat upon a wa',
Three craws sat upon a wa', On a cold and frosty mornin'.

The first Craw fell an' broke his jaw,
fell an' broke his jaw,
fell an' broke his jaw,
The first Craw fell an' broke his jaw, On a cold and frosty mornin'.

The second craw couldna' flee at a' ,
couldna' flee at a' ,
couldna' flee at a' ,
The second craw couldna' flee at a', On a cold and frosty mornin'.

The third Craw was greetin' for his maw'
greetin' for his maw'
greetin' for his maw'
The third Craw was greetin' for his maw' On a cold and frosty mornin'.

The fourth Craw wisna' there at a',
wisna' there at a',
wisna' there at a',
The fourth Craw wisna' there at a', On a cold and frosty mornin'.


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