Our Special Guest

Today was going to be an excited and happy blip announcing Blipbear's arrival to Denmark. He was - along with his friend Kiwi - waiting outtside our door yesterday, when we came home. He is a very special guest and we are proud and honoured to welcome him to our home. He will be celebrating our 4 years blipday with us, before he continues his journey...

But in the light of today's events in Paris, it seems wrong to blip a very excited blip. The satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo was stormed by gunmen and 12 people were killed. It is called a terror attack - an attack on the freedom to speech. It is sad for so many reasons.

Apparently the Danish Police have increased the security around the Danish news paper Jyllands-Posten, which was behind the original cartoons that lead to the Muhammad Cartoons Crisis.

I am a strong believer in freedom of speech. I am also a strong believer in showing respect for other people's religion. Live and let live.

I am so sorry for those that were killed today. I am so sorry for those that lost their loved ones today. And I am so sorry for those that became murderes today. It is all just so wrong.

Sooo... this is the Hazyland Boys posing with their new friends Blipbear and Kiwi on a very sad day.

See you tomorrow.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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