Another Languedoc year...

By SweetApricots


I absolutely love Lapsang Souchong tea. It's the only tea I drink. Recently, however, it has been impossible to find. No-one seems to have it on their shelves in France, and when we return to the UK we have to search for a long time to find it.

Lapsang is what we ask people to bring when they're coming back to France. I was a bit perplexed, however, when pals recently brought the tea in the photo. Flavourwise it is indistinguishable from the normal Lapsang that this company makes. However, there are only 20 tea-bags in the box instead of the normal 50 - in a box of very similar size. So I wondered if there was a world-wide shortage.

A bit of Googling turned up this fascinating explanation. *  A bit more Googling led me to the website of the tea company, and, to my delight, I see that they deliver. So my tea drinking is assured for the near future at least.

PS Thank you for the stars and hearts yesterday. The situation in France is dire again today. Currently there are TWO siege situations in Paris and a small town. It is very disturbing.

* This is my third attempt to publish this blip today. I'm about to give up. All these errors are such a waste of time.

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