
The weather hasn't improved but I believe it's bad everywhere.  In Sapa not that far from here they had 10cm of snow last night - almost unheard of and apparently loads of Hanoi residents drove there to see it.

We followed Plan A despite the weather and went on a guided bike ride round some of the local villages.   It was lovely to be able to visit some of the local people in their houses.  This lady is 79 years old and lives with her daughter in a stilt house.  She was really pleased to share tea with us.

This afternoon we visited another village and visited a charming old couple who untypical have fallen out with their children so they live alone and love having visitors.

We were admiring all the chickens running around the yard with their chicks until the old man informed us that the last lot had died of bird flu!

We are now drying out prior to our flight south tomorrow afternoon

I have put a couple of Flickr journals - links below


PS - I've just remembered something I meant to add to this commentary. Underneath the house a hollowed-out log was hanging from two bicycle tyres.  We asked what it was and apparently it is the old lady's coffin ready for when needed.  Measured up and helpfully provided by her children.  Amazing

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