There and back again

By Mikes

The mounties are in town

I've been off to the Devon County Show today, at Exeter. We were in by 9am before is got to crowded, and spent the morning with No2 daughter then she was off to hob nob it with the toffs in the Chairman's tent for dinner & tea. Last week she was at a reception at the Houses of Parliament. We are very proud of her. I remember many moons ago when I was involved with The Duke of Edinburgh's Award she and her sisters used to tag on behind me at functions and I use to say "These are my daughters" now the tables are turned. We follow behind her and SHE is saying "These are my parents".

The show ground seemed full of food tents and in the end we had to participate, well it would have been rude not to.

The stars of the main arena this year are the Canadian Mounted Police who are in this country for the Queens Jubilee After a wonderful display, instead of just riding off, they all split up to all sides of the arena and talked to the crowds and let people pet the horses. A great way to end their display I thought. It appeared that about 50% of the team, were girls. If this Mountie wanted to get her man, I would give in.

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