Life with Alice

By elirin

On the Lookout 2.0

In the wake of the storm everything was calm this morning. The snow was new and dry enough to walk and play in, so we headed out for a longer walk on the forest trails. Happy!

I was off my lead for the entire forest part, except for when runners were passing us. The snow muffled their sounds, so we didn't notice them until they were right behind us. It went well up until the very last time, when mum let me go a bit too early and I took off after the runner because it looked like so much fun. He looked surprised to see me, and then I heard mum yell Here! so I ran back to her at top speed. No big deal.

When we came back, Molly the cat was guarding the front door to keep us from entering without letting her inside, where she's not allowed of course. And at the swings, the tiniest puppy was watching us from the interior of his owner's jacket. Weird. I don't think he lives here, but you never know.

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