Winter hope

Open Heart

chambered courage
not lost to ice
lies halved
on crystal spread
laid bare
it's thawing core
an open heart

We took a late afternoon ride yesterday to Marshfield Hills, a town about a half hour away, on the coast. The actor Steve Carell and his wife own a cozy little general store there. We bought some fun little items and two delicious stuffed quahogs to heat up and have with our dinner. We then wended our way to Scituate another coastal town. The interesting name is Native American inspired. We drove out to Light House Point in the bitter late afternoon cold. It was getting really dark, a good opportunity to test the lovely light gathering skill of my new camera lens. I was quite astonished at what I could mange handheld in the 19 degree F chill.

The nutshell in the image is half of a hickory nut, very small.

Scituate Light

The Light, later

Sunset window

Scituate Harbor

A working harbor

For the Record,
This day came in warmer with increasing clouds.

All hands happy

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