The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild


This is my 100th Blip!

This photo was taken in very low light, so it has a rather "antiqued" look about it.

I found these roses sitting at the base of the lectern at the church that I often go to for meditation and prayer. They were from someone's garden, and were about 4-inches across each. Their glorious fragrance wafted through the air.

For certain, someone knew what they were doing when they cultivated them.

I have a great appreciation for roses, and know that it is not easy to nurture such amazing blooms! It is interesting to note that the vines that grow on our house have huge leaves this year, so maybe the mild winter had something to do with this appearance of oversized foliage and blooms.

This was a hectic week, and the solace of the church gave me a chance to reflect on the past several days, and reminded me of how much I miss having a garden of my own.

There is nothing nicer than a vase of one's very own garden flowers. They make me happy, and their slight imperfections remind me of how there is great beauty in the little flaws in nature.

The flaws that also make us human.

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