Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Time Out

While we're in London we thought we should visit a couple of places that neither of us have been to since we were children - the Natural History Museum and the Science Museum. We both remembered the diplodocus in the main hall at the Natural History Museum being much bigger than it actually was... but I suppose we both must have been quite tiny when we first saw it!

At the Science Museum we saw two photography exhibitions. Drawn by Light: The Royal Photographic Society Collection included some amazing prints spanning the entire history of photography and I was particularly pleased to see prints of pictures by Julia Margaret Cameron and Margaret Bourke-White which had me mesmerised, as did many of the photographs displayed.  But I think I was even more moved by the  Make Life Worth Living exhibition of Nick Hedges photos, taken for Shelter between 1968 and1972. The pictures of families living in slum conditions in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Birmingham and elsewhere were utterly heart-breaking.

We both needed a bit of a sit down afterwards.

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