Through the Windscreen

How do I follow a day like yesterday? First of all I would like to thank each and every one of you who took the time to comment, and for all for the kind things you said. If his Lordship didn't demand such a high standard in the management of the Dower House, I might have found the time to reply individually, instead of writing a combined thank you.

Although I state publicly that I do my journal for personal gratification, there is no denying a certain playing to the gallery, so every comment was treasured. I might even have to invest in a hat a size bigger. Talking of Biggar, HL has forfeited his day in the hills there for the third week running because of the weather. Things have come to a pretty pass.

And so today it was down to business as usual and a hunt for a blip. I had thought that the predicted snow would save the day, but true to form, dawn arrived snowless but icy. We took the chance of driving out to the Blue and Yellow shed at Straiton to find a floor lamp for HL's study.

We had our shovel and bivvy bags in the boot with enough food and hot drinks to last at least two days of being marooned in a snow drift out in the suburban wilds, but this wintry snow shower seen from the relative comfort of the car as we left the Dower House, was replaced by clear roads and sunshine the farther we got from the city......which just goes to show- never rely on forecasts.

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