The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops


We were at a bit of a loose end today. We were planning on going to Newport Wetlands for a bit of fresh air, but the weather forecast was spot on. After a bright start it went really gloomy and there was rain in the air. My first visit to Newport Wetlands for 2015 will have to wait just a little longer.

In the end we gave my brother a ring and asked if he didn't mind if we descended on him for the afternoon/ evening .. he was delighted we wanted to come up.

So after we finished a few work odds and ends off we trundled up the M4 and A449 to see him.

We had a lovely afternoon just chatting and watching the girls play. By coincidence it was Andrew and Sarah's (my sis in law) first meeting anniversary. It was twenty three years since I leant my brother a fiver to buy Sarah a drink at a party. The git still hasn't paid me it back .. with compound interest I could probably retire now if he did!

Megan brought down her Technic digger she had made from the set me and Dawn bought her for Christmas ... a rather successful Christmas present idea me thinks!

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