Sneaky Peek

By SneakyPeek

Up For The Cup

In case you're not aware, it's a big day in Edinburgh today as our two rival football teams, Hibs and Hearts, are playing against each other in the 127th Scottish Cup Final at Hampden and, in an effort to join in, I thought I would take a wander up Easter Road.

Outside the Albion Bar (which is situated just across the road from the Hibs' stadium) there was a supporters' bus waiting for the last few stragglers to arrive. Never one to miss an opportunity, I jumped on and asked if I could take a photo and here's the end result. I have to say the smell of alcohol on the bus was almost overpowering but spirits were most definitely high!

As I sit and type this, the match is well underway and, at the moment, Hearts are trouncing Hibs 4-1. As my late Father's side of the family are all Jambos and my Mum's side are all Hibees, I'm trying to remain neutral. I do, however, have a favourite and I'm seriously hoping that today the sun will shine on Leith.

Here's today's tune which is very neutral and very Scottish! Enjoy!

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