
By crabtree

Into the white!

Had a really enjoyable day up in the Brecons today. I feel extra satisfied as I was umming and ahing about whether to go or not: I had checked out the weather and it looked promising, but when I looked out of the window it was tipping it down and I wasn't feeling too enthused about going up a big hill in the rain. Throwing caution to the wind I donned the waterproofs and arrived to a completely snow covered Brecon Beacons, no wind and no rain, hurrah! 

This was the only bit of light I got on the way up, and the top was covered in cloud so I made the most of it before putting the camera away and heading up. I had never experienced a 'white out' before and thought I may as well have a look! Turns out a white out is like a strange ghostly realm where you can't see anything and get a bit disorientated! It is a little disconcerting when distinguishing between the edge of a cliff and the sky becomes difficult so after having some lunch in a cloud I came down through the falling snow. 

A great day out and also good to test the water before Bivying up there, but more on that another time!

Into the white!

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