Pretty Vacant

Dating from 1545, Provost Skene House is one of Aberdeen's few remaining historical buildings of note. Here she is, briefly exposed as a result of the former hideous council HQ being demolished (hoorah!)! but alas set to be dwarfed and swallowed up by a concrete monstrosity (boo!) to offer Aberdonians yet more bland, shops, restaurants and hotels that we don't really need with most purchases heading straight to landfill within a year. Makes me rage. Shoes shops that sell the same stuff, clothes shops that sell the same stuff, chain restaurants that sell the same bland tasting stuff, a huge carbuncle of a shopping mall that sells the same stuff. The council went old school funding and are tied to the proposed soulless carbuncle build, as they lack the insight, guidance and talent to identify alternative routes, least of all any due care for Aberdeen's disminishing historical returns. The red brick back to front disaster that was Amadeous on the beach front stills weighs heavily on the minds of anyone that cares about creating a city environment that lift its citizens; this latest debacle is even worse. Oh to have the foresight of the Edinburgh planners.

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