Reflections of the Castle

Don't know why it's so empty - £7.10 for two hours isn't bad is it? I decided I'd buy a bit of music after I'd strolled into town, but on my way to one of the big music outlets, I thought the better of it and instead headed to that nice little folky/classical place at the foot of the castle. But it was closed! There's my story for today.
I also popped down to collect the daughter and had a nose around her new flat where she's moved to with her 'young man', as we say. Top flat again! And they're not even students.
Right, time for the large glass of the old NZ Sauvy Blanc; the Man City game is over. Time to get into the furthest recesses of the Sunday papers. Look at this - Pensioner Bonds - 4% APR! You've got to be bloody 65!

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