Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS

Cumbernauld Kirkyard

Yes, I know I posted a photo of Cumbernauld Old Parish Church recently - just two weeks ago, to be exact - but the sunny view of that day was further enhanced by the nearly-lying snow today, and I have also gone for a slightly different angle in today's blip. Whereas my previous post was taken from the south-west, this one was a picture of the south elevation.

And, anyway, by the time I get home from our two services on a Sunday and had my lunch, I'm quite content to spend a lazy afternoon in front of the TV or reading the Sunday newspaper. Actually, I did plan to go out for a walk this afternoon, camera in pocket, but changed my mind once I realised that the temperature inside was significantly warmer than that outside. Call it laziness, but I decided to settle for this morning's picture of the kirk and have a day indoors.

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