A time for everything

By turnx3

Civil war re-enactment

This morning we had choir rehearsal with orchestra at church, ready for our Spring music presentation tomorrow. Then, after a quick lunch, we headed to Sharon Woods for the Civil War re-enactment which was taking place at Heritage Village, a recreated 1800's community featuring thirteen historic buildings that were saved from destruction and moved to their present location within the park. I have been intending to go to this event for a number of years, but I usually find out about it after the event. The battle they were enacting was the Battle of Shiloh, also known as the Battle of Pittsburg Landing, which was fought April 6-7 1862, in southwestern Tennessee. A Union army under Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant had moved via the Tennessee River deep into Tennessee and was encamped principally at Pittsburg Landing on the west bank of the river. Confederate forces launched a surprise attack on Grant, and achieved considerable success on the first day, but were ultimately defeated on the second day. A devastating toll of 23,746 men killed, wounded or missing brought a shocking realization to both sides that the war would not end quickly. Today they enacted day 1 of the battle - day 2 will be performed tomorrow. After the battle we wandered around the village, visiting the different buildings, where they had volunteers talking about the buildings, and a few cooking in the kitchens. It was a very interesting afternoon, though I must say I felt sorry for the soldiers in their wool uniforms in temperatures in the mid-80s! You can see more photos from the event here.
There s just so much going on around the city this weekend. Yesterday evening we went to CincItalia - an Italian festival put on by St. Catharine of Siena Catholic parish and school. We hadn't been to this before, and to be honest we were a bit diasappointed - the food was OK but nothing special. Also on today and tomorrow is an Asian Festival - this is taking place in the developing Banks area by the Ohio River, and we hope to go to this tomorrow. Another event which we won't get to this year is Maifest, a German-based festival across the river in Covington Kentucky. It seems crazy and frustrating to have so much on in one weekend - they're each stealing each other's prospective visitors!

One year ago: Laburnum arch

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