Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Ground butterfly

Had to get down and dirty again for this one.
Singapore trip.
Started really badly. I like to be early at the airport, especially as on my last trip, I missed a connection by trying to cram the transfer times – failed. The rule is 2 hours before, I do three hours. Yes, it is a long, tedious wait, but this way, nothing can go wrong.
As the boarding time came around, the waiting room was empty apart from a couple of cleaners. This was very strange, but I have been the only passenger on a flight before, but these Singapore flights are usually full.
As the boarding time ticked by and still no announcements, I started to panic and made inquiries. Then come the language problems – and time ticks by.
I then noticed the bank of international clocks on the wall, and the Bandung time was an hour early. I had 13:15pm and the clock was displaying 12:15, how could they make such a basic mistake – stupid airport staff.
I then checked the zone setting on my phone – it was set to Singapore! I flipped it back to Jakarta time and I had an hour still to wait – Ah! So I am the stupid one.
My phone time has been an hour out for the last two months. I used the phone to set my computer time and the clock display on the TV AND the camera.
“How can it be possible in this day and age of information technology, to be an hour adrift for two months without realizing” I hear you ask. Well, I live in a small village. I eat, sleep and crap when I feel like it. No tv, I watch DVD’s and no contact with the outside world – I live the life of a hermit, time and mirrors are not a part of my life.
The rest of the trip went well, so fortunately for you, not a lot to write about. I’ll do the monopod tomorrow – or the next day, like I said, time – pfft!

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