
By Fi

Second Leg: Manchester - Glasgow

Ang waved me off at Manchester Piccadilly after a fun 24hrs and I throughly enjoyed, although the a/c on board wasn't completely effective, the journey across the border. It was totes photogenic and I barely touched my iPlayer list, watching the world go by instead.

Afternoon arrival into Glasgow, met by my cousin, who marched me off to the Merchants' Quarter, for a spot of late lunch. Cocktails followed throughout the afternoon, and it was good to blether and laugh away, having not properly spent time together for years and years - without it being in a funeral environment.

And then - sooner than we liked, walked back to the Grand Central (through glorious sunshine, I might add), said our cheerios and set about refreshing myself and glamming up, in order to join CR, at his cousin's wedding party.

His extended family is rather big!

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